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Azrina Mastura
Azrina Mastura ;


Hello and welcome to my blog
I pour my heart and thoughts here
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Skins by: IlliShuhada
Basecode : PikaChan
Edited : Azrina
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so much homework

yeay..it's school holiday!!! who didn't love holiday? everyone love holiday la. but on this school holiday i've a lot of homework that my teachers gave to me. even i've many homework i've to finish it before school day. before this school holiday i've the final semester 1 examination. you know that the questions were 'gila-gila' (crazy), especially add math. owh ! no. the results will be send to my home this holiday. so terrible. how my parents' feeling when they see my result that not impressive at all..owh ! no.and someone told me that the result will be arrived next week coz my home and my college both in Perak. That make me to wait postman everyday..haha...owh forget it.. THE MOST IMPORTANT ARE ALL MY HOMEWORK FINISHED
loaded with homeworks